
β–Ά Gears

  • There are various types of gears such as swords and spears, fans and shields, and armor, and may have special abilities to enhance attack power or absorb enemy's life.

  • Gears consist of 3 parts: weapons, armor, and accessories, and you can have generals wear arms that suit each part.

  • Gears can be obtained by drawing gears with Gems.

β–Ά Gears Rarity

  • Gears have 3 kinds of rarity: Common, Rare, Hero

  • Additional options vary depending on the rarity of Gears.

β–Ά Gears Class

  • Classes of gears range from 1 to 6 stars, and the capabilities of gears vary depending on their classes.

β–ΆGears Enhancement Level

  • The enhancement level can increase up to +7.

  • The capabilities of gears vary depending on their enhancement levels, and jewel slots will additionally be opened.

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